Conto binar menyang Ascii
Data Input
01000101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101
Data Output
Cara Ngonversi Binary menyang Teks
Ngonversi kode ASCII biner dadi teks:
- Entuk bait binar
- Ngonversi bita biner dadi desimal
- Entuk karakter kode ASCII saka tabel ASCII
- Terusake karo bait sabanjure
Kepiye cara ngowahi 01000001 binar dadi teks?
Gunakake tabel ASCII:
010100002 = 26+24 = 64+16 = 80 => "P"
011011002 = 26+25+23+22 = 64+32+8+4 = 108 => "l"
011000012 = 26+2 20 = 64+32+1 = 97 => "a"
01000001 = 2^6+2^2 = 64+1 = 65 = 'A'
00110000 = 2^5+2^4 = 2^5+2^4 = 32+16 = 48 = '0'
Tabel konversi teks binar menyang ASCII
Heksadesimal | binar | Karakter ASCII |
00 | 00000000 | NUL |
01 | 00000001 | SOH |
02 | 00000010 | STX |
03 | 00000011 | ETX |
04 | 00000100 | EOT |
05 | 00000101 | ENQ |
06 | 00000110 | ACK |
07 | 00000111 | BEL |
08 | 00001000 | BS |
09 | 00001001 | HT |
0A | 00001010 | LF |
0B | 00001011 | VT |
0C | 00001100 | FF |
0D | 00001101 | CR |
0E | 00001110 | SO |
0F | 00001111 | SI |
10 | 00010000 | DLE |
11 | 00010001 | DC1 |
12 | 00010010 | DC2 |
13 | 00010011 | DC3 |
14 | 00010100 | DC4 |
15 | 00010101 | NAK |
16 | 00010110 | SYN |
17 | 00010111 | ETB |
18 | 00011000 | SAGET |
19 | 00011001 | EM |
1A | 00011010 | SUB |
1B | 00011011 | ESC |
1C | 00011100 | FS |
1D | 00011101 | GS |
1E | 00011110 | RS |
1F | 00011111 | AS |
20 | 00100000 | Panggonan |
21 | 00100001 | ! |
22 | 00100010 | " |
23 | 00100011 | # |
24 | 00100100 | $ |
25 | 00100101 | % |
26 | 00100110 | & |
27 | 00100111 | ' |
28 | 00101000 | ( |
29 | 00101001 | ) |
2A | 00101010 | * |
2B | 00101011 | + |
2C | 00101100 | , |
2D | 00101101 | - |
2E | 00101110 | . |
2F | 00101111 | / |
30 | 00110000 | 0 |
31 | 00110001 | 1 |
32 | 00110010 | 2 |
33 | 00110011 | 3 |
34 | 00110100 | 4 |
35 | 00110101 | 5 |
36 | 00110110 | 6 |
37 | 00110111 | 7 |
38 | 00111000 | 8 |
39 | 00111001 | 9 |
3A | 00111010 | : |
3B | 00111011 | ; |
3C | 00111100 | < |
3D | 00111101 | = |
3E | 00111110 | > |
3F | 00111111 | ? |
40 | 01000000 | @ |
41 | 01000001 | A |
42 | 01000010 | B |
43 | 01000011 | C |
44 | 01000100 | D |
45 | 01000101 | E |
46 | 01000110 | F |
47 | 01000111 | G |
48 | 01001000 | H |
49 | 01001001 | I |
4A | 01001010 | J |
4B | 01001011 | K |
4C | 01001100 | L |
4D | 01001101 | M |
4E | 01001110 | N |
4F | 01001111 | O |
50 | 01010000 | P |
51 | 01010001 | Q |
52 | 01010010 | R |
53 | 01010011 | S |
54 | 01010100 | T |
55 | 01010101 | U |
56 | 01010110 | V |
57 | 01010111 | W |
58 | 01011000 | X |
59 | 01011001 | Y |
5A | 01011010 | Z |
5B | 01011011 | [ |
5C | 01011100 | \ |
5D | 01011101 | ] |
5E | 01011110 | ^ |
5F | 01011111 | _ |
60 | 01100000 | ` |
61 | 01100001 | a |
62 | 01100010 | b |
63 | 01100011 | c |
64 | 01100100 | d |
65 | 01100101 | e |
66 | 01100110 | f |
67 | 01100111 | g |
68 | 01101000 | h |
69 | 01101001 | i |
6A | 01101010 | j |
6B | 01101011 | k |
6C | 01101100 | l |
6D | 01101101 | m |
6E | 01101110 | n |
6F | 01101111 | o |
70 | 01110000 | p |
71 | 01110001 | q |
72 | 01110010 | r |
73 | 01110011 | s |
74 | 01110100 | t |
75 | 01110101 | u |
76 | 01110110 | v |
77 | 01110111 | w |
78 | 01111000 | x |
79 | 01111001 | y |
7A | 01111010 | z |
7B | 01111011 | { |
7C | 01111100 | | |
7D | 01111101 | } |
7E | 01111110 | ~ |
7F | 01111111 | DEL |
Binary System
The binary numeral system uses the number 2 as its base (radix). As a base-2 numeral system, it consists of only two numbers: 0 and 1.
While it has been applied in ancient Egypt, China and India for different purposes, the binary system has become the language of electronics and computers in the modern world. This is the most efficient system to detect an electric signal’s off (0) and on (1) state. It is also the basis for binary code that is used to compose data in computer-based machines. Even the digital text that you are reading right now consists of binary numbers.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) minangka salah sawijining standar enkoding karakter sing paling umum. Originally dikembangake saka kode telegrafik, ASCII saiki akeh digunakake ing komunikasi elektronik kanggo ngirim teks.
ASCII asli adhedhasar 128 karakter. Iki minangka 26 huruf saka alfabet Inggris (ing huruf cilik lan huruf gedhe); nomer saka 0 kanggo 9; lan macem-macem tandha wacan. Ing kode ASCII, saben karakter kasebut diwenehi nomer desimal saka 0 nganti 127. Contone, perwakilan ASCII saka huruf gedhe A yaiku 65 lan huruf cilik a yaiku 97.