Online HTML To Javascript Converter

Input data
bfotool loadding
Output data
bfotool loadding

HTML To Javascript Converter helps you to convert HTML to Javascript online.

HTML to Javascript converter simplest

This free online tool lets you convert a HTML file into a Javascript file.Just paste your HTML in the form below and it will instantly get converted to Javascript No need to download or install any software. Free

Tool what is a HTML to Javascript converter?

This HTML to Javascript converter transforms HTML data and files into Javascript data and files. This converter allows customizing input HTML and output Javascript It also accepts HTML files with custom column delimiter characters and field quote characters. It supports comment lines and you can optionally ignore empty lines. You can also change how many spaces to use in the output Javascript indentation.

How to Convert HTML to Javascript?

Step 1: Select your input. Enter Data.
Step 2: Choose output options (optional) Output Options.
Step 3: Generate output.

HTML to Javascript converter examples




var html =  '<table>'+
    '    <tr>'+
    '        <td>pin</td>'+
    '        <td>time</td>'+
    '    </tr>'+
    '    <tr>'+
    '        <td>0001</td>'+
    '        <td>1524810082</td>'+
    '    </tr>'+
    '    <tr>'+
    '        <td>0002</td>'+
    '        <td>1524810082</td>'+
    '    </tr>'+
    '    <tr>'+
    '        <td>0003</td>'+
    '        <td>1524810082</td>'+
    '    </tr>'+
    '    <tr>'+
    '        <td>0004</td>'+
    '        <td>1524810082</td>'+
    '    </tr>'+